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2015 Board Nominee Slate Passes

"Individual commitment to a group effort—that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work."
—Vince Lombardi

The Board of Directors is excited to welcome new comers Amy Hurley, Jonathan Thomas, Amy Paladino, and returning member, Deb Farley to the US Math Recovery® Board of Directors with the passage of US Math Recovery® Council's 2015 Slate.

Thank you to the members that took the time to vote, and to those that made a nomination for next year's Slate.

The US Math Recovery® Council's Board of Directors would like to thank Board members-Sharon Ficarra, Kory Obenshain, and Yvette Panasowich for their service to USMRC over the past years. Their individual commitment to The US Math Recovery® Council's Board of Directors helped move USMRC forward.

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