2016 National Conference Featured Speakers
To enhance your conference experience US Math Recovery® invites you to come, listen and learn from our Keynote Presenters and Featured Speakers:
Dr. Anderson Norton & Dr. Amy Hackenberg: Developing Fractions Knowledge (plenary)
In this presentation, we will share ideas from our new book, Developing Fractions Knowledge. The book’s nine content chapters (Chapters 4-12), contain assessment tasks and instructional activities for supporting students’ fractions learning. These nine chapters are organized around stages of units coordination. We will elaborate on the construct of units coordination and demonstrate its role in students mathematical development, particularly as students transform their whole number knowledge into fractions knowledge.
Dr. Anderson Norton: Developing Fractions Knowledge at Stages 1 and 2 (breakout session)
During this workshop we will investigate assessment tasks and instructional activities from the new book, Developing Fractions Knowledge, while considering ways to implement these tasks in schools. We will focus on tasks from Chapters 4-7, which address students operating at units coordination Stages 1 and 2. Opportunities for fractions learning at Stage 1 are limited, so we will also consider ways to support students’ development from Stage 1 to Stage 2.
Dr. Amy Hackenberg: Developing Fractions Knowledge at Stages 2 and 3 (breakout session)
During this workshop we will investigate assessment tasks and instructional activities from the new book, Developing Fractions Knowledge, while considering ways to implement these tasks in schools. We will focus on tasks from Chapters 8-12, which address students operating at units coordination Stages 2 and 3. Although students at Stages 2 and 3 can work productively to build many aspects of fractions knowledge, they also differ in important ways. We will consider how to differentiate instruction for students at Stages 2 and 3.
Dr. Bob Wright: The Key Elements of Intervention Teaching: A Reformulation (plenary)
The Key Elements of Intervention Teaching (KEs) were published in 2002, in the first edition of Teaching Number: Advancing Children’s Skills and Strategies. The KEs have been widely used to analyze one-on-one instruction in early number and whole number arithmetic. Most recently, the KEs have been the focus of a Ph D thesis undertaken by Thi Tran Le at Southern Cross University (Australia), entitled: Targeted One-to-one Instruction in Whole-number Arithmetic: A Framework of Key Elements. This keynote presentation will draw extensively on Thi’s work and will describe an elaborated model of KEs. The presentation will include detailed examples of how the model can be used to analyze instruction.
Dr. Bob Wright: The Use of Settings in Math Recovery® Instruction (breakout session)
The judicious use of instructional settings is an important feature of Math Recovery® instruction. Teaching Number in the Classroom (2015) and Developing Number Knowledge (2012) each feature an appendix of important instructional settings. This breakout session will discuss the notions of settings versus concrete materials or manipulatives; and settings versus informal notation systems. The presentation will include detailed demonstrations of the use of settings in instruction, focused on the various learning domains that constitute the Learning Framework in Number.
Jim Martland: What do you do when you do not know what to do? (breakout session)
Every teaching session is unique even if you have delivered the content before. This session is not a presentation. It is a workshop which will identify problematic situations in Math Recovery® teaching and examine how this can be overcome. This means looking again at the Math Recovery® Guiding Principles and evidence from the psychology of how children learn. Participants will be placed in a novel situation in which they are the learners. To become a better teacher in MR we must also rediscover what it is to be a learner.