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February 2015 Letter from Carolyn

Dear US Math Recovery® Members,

Math Recovery® intervention cycles always bubble mixed emotions to the surface. The joy of watching someone grow in confidence and mathematical thinking, the bond created when working so intensely with another person, the invigorating - and sometimes exhausting—time spent analyzing and planning, the letting go at the end of a cycle…Today I feel all of those things as I prepare to successfully discontinue my current Math Recovery® student. She is an absolute delight, and I fully believe that she will continue to be a strong mathematician and kind-hearted person. Working and learning along side the young people we serve enriches our lives.

In addition to the children that we serve, the members of our Math Recovery® community are important as well. Please reach out with questions, ideas and success stories, or for support at any time. We have staff presenting at a number of upcoming conferences, so please stop by our display or come to one of our sessions:

KCM Conference, March 9-10, Lexington, KY
Information Session, March 14, Meredith College, NC
NCTM, April 15-18, Boston, MA
MCTM, May 1-2, Duluth, MN
Wisconsin Mathematics Council, May 6-8, Green Lake, WI
CAMT, June 24-26, Houston, TX
USMRC, October 26-29, Raleigh, NC
NCTM Regional, November 11-13, Minneapolis, MN

Please continue to check the conference tab and latest news sections of our website. We have expanded our 2015 tuition assistance offerings, so be sure to read the newsletter for more details.

Thank you for the opportunity to learn with you!

Warm wishes,

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