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September 2014 Update from the Chair

Dear US Math Recovery Council® members,

The 2014-15 school year is in full swing across the country. This year because of a very busy spring and summer of MRIS, AVMR 1 and 2, Leader and Champion training, US Math Recovery® can boast that an additional 2500 + teachers began the year thinking about and teaching math differently.

I have loved this class, it has really changed how I think about what kids know. I thought I was good at figuring this out but this class gives me tons of new concepts and ideas.
First-time participant

Whether we have been using Math Recovery® principles and assessments for years or we are just starting, most of us can remember the time when our ideas about teaching math changed because of our new understanding about number. And most of most of us would agree that this change happened because of a Math Recovery® program or a teacher who was trained in Math Recovery®.

Math Recovery gave me a new perspective on teaching; I wish I had it sooner. Math Recovery helps uncover misconceptions and increases teacher collaboration and reflection.
Beth, KY

The excitement of the newly trained teachers in Math Recovery® principles is shared by all of us. It is this excitement of you, our membership that is transforming numeracy education across our nation. The board of directors were so happy about the number of applications for the tuition assistance money. It was a very hard decision because of the number and quality of the applicants. But we are once again boasting about our accomplishments, Math Recovery® has 2 additional leaders, 1 more Champion and a school implementing Math Recovery® principles because of tuition assistance program.

The mission of the US Math Recovery Council® is
To transform numeracy education
To connect research with practice
To empower educators to advance student mathematical thinking and success
...through Math Recovery® principles.

It is this mission that serves as the standard for every decision, every policy, and every penny spent. Without you, our membership, Math Recovery® could not even attempt to reach the mission. Because it is through you and because of you that numeracy education is transforming, that research is becoming practice and students are achieving mathematical success. So I welcome our newest members to our organization, I applaud our teachers and specialists who continue to use the Math Recovery® principles year after year and I thank all of our Leaders, Champions and Facilitators for their work with teachers.

Have a wonderful school year.

Lynn Haden
USMRC Board Chair

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